How is Melbye and Posten Bring partnering to develop innovative solutions in EV charging?

The case study describes how Melbye multiducts have contributed to the development of charging infrastructure for heavier vehicles in Norway.

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Melbye offers system solutions that equip you for the demands of the future. An example on this, is our involvement in Posten Bring's major investment in the development of charging infrastructure for heavier vehicles in Norway.

In this project, Melbye has worked closely with Fremst AS to find balanced solutions that meet the requirements of costs, performance, ease of installation, space requirements and aesthetics.

The cable shafts in Posten Bring's facilities are relatively complex and must therefore be carefully planned to avoid overheating. By using multiducts instead for ordinary solutions, we have been able to reduce the dimensions of the trench, while at the same time the encroachment on the terrain is minimized.

To best meet the needs of Posten Bring, 3D models are used to anticipate challenges and optimize designs.

Multiducts: Space-saving and quick installation

Multiducts are a space-saving solution that is highly relevant for systems where there are requirements for a short construction time and a compressed extent of the trench. Their compact shape, combined with quick and  assembly reduces construction time. The multiducts also have a robust design that requires less cover than traditional solutions. This saves significantly on excavation work.

How it works?

The plant is modelled in 3D to check its constructability and identify any challenges. This gives the contractor a better background to deal with potential challenges before work starts. Using the models, the solutions can be optimized without major cost consequences and the number of deviations can be significantly reduced.

To ensure that the theory is correct in practice, full-scale tests are carried out at selected facilities. In June/July, the charging facility is subjected to a 24-hour test with maximum load when it is most exposed to temperature fluctuations.

Temperature sensors are placed on selected cables to monitor temperature development. The values from the power quality analysis are checked to ensure load data and voltage quality. Charging infrastructure for heavy transport is still in an early phase, where each project allows for improvement and innovation.

A good dialogue and cooperation with all parties involved are crucial to finding balanced solutions. We ensure success of your charging project by providing tailor-made solutions, comprehensive expertise and support throughout the process.

Want to know more about Melbye partnerships, get in touch with us today.  


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