How Norway's Måbø Tunnel avoided road traffic disruptions with Melbye?

The case study shows how Norway's Måbø Tunnel could cust down cost and time with the use of Melbye microducts, manholes and fibre.

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In today's infrastructure development, efficiency and sustainability are central focus areas. A good example of this is the Måbø Tunnel in Hardangervidda, Norway. The tunnel is part of National Road 7 and is a crucial part of the road network in western Norway, where digitalization and smart solutions play a significant role.

Melbye has successfully contributed to this project by providing multi-channels, manholes, and fiber. An important aspect of the project was the implementation of Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), ensuring that reception is not lost and that digital radio can be distributed to motorists. Additionally, emergency phones were integrated to ensure good communication and safety in the tunnel.


Choosing Melbye multiducts - an obvious choice

With traditional solutions, extensive digging in the road and possible blasting in the rock would have been necessary. This would have caused unnecessary disruptions to road traffic. With Melbye QA multiducts and manholes, it was possible to avoid these challenges. By using a concrete-free solution, the need for labor and heavy transport was minimized, resulting in both cost and time savings for the project.

By installing multiducts and FF manholes (6045), it was possible to limit the impact on the existing environment and ensure an efficient and sustainable infrastructure development. A total of 3600 meters of multiducts were used, spread across 4 tunnels. During a normal workday, they managed to dig trenches, lay 400 meters of multiducts, manholes and refill!

Challenges along the way

The Måbø Tunnel stands out with its special design, featuring many angles and curves, which had to be taken into consideration. However, this was not a problem, even though the situation was particularly challenging in some of the tunnel's curves. Melbye mutiducts have a flexible radius of 2° to adapt to curves, and bending modules for laying on uneven ground conditions.



Collaboration boosting sustainability

Stephen Lirus, the Project Manager for the project, emphasizes the importance of the close collaboration and good communication they had with Melbye. Through regular contact and coordination, they were able to adjust deliveries according to the project's needs, resulting in significant savings and a smooth execution of the work.

The Måbø Tunnel represents not only a modernization of infrastructure but also an example of how smart solutions and good collaboration can contribute to efficiency and sustainability in large-scale projects. With Melbye as a reliable partner, they continue to shape the future of infrastructure with a focus on innovation and sustainable development.


To know more about the project, get in touch with Erland Stakvik today!


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